Our work in disaster preparedness-related training, activities around Oita and multilingual information.
Information on disaster preparedness.
Japan is prone to various natural disasters – it is therefore essential that you make yourself prepared.
The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) has compiled a collection of necessary information in case of disasters. The collection is a summary on practical information that can be used in the likelihood or occurence of a disaster.
In addition, Japan Meteorological Agency and NHK offer multilingual disaster information as needed.
또한 기상청과 NHK 홈페이지에서도 수시로 다언어로 재해 정보를 제공하고 있습니다.
▼気象庁(Japan Meteorological Agency、气象厅 기상청)
Multilingual Information
- Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)…Multilingual Information on Daily Life Released by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
- Cabinet Office (link to ‘Disaster Management’)
…This page introduces helpful mobile apps and websites in the event of a local disaster.

Efforts around Oita
Oita Disaster Prevention Application (Oita Prefectural Government)
The ‘Oita Disaster Prevention Application’ provides information on disaster preparedness to residents living in the prefecture. Information is released in 15 languages in the event of a disaster.
App store Google Play
Non-Japanese Disaster Prevention Monitors
The Oita Prefecture has implemented the Disaster Prevention Monitors system since July 2019. The objective of the system is to allow foreign nationals to post information about disasters occurring around them in their respective native languages through the Oita Disaster Prevention app.
We look forward to seeing you take the role of a Non-Japanese Disaster Prevention Monitor.
facebook (Disaster Information)
Oita City’s Multilingual Disaster Awareness Guidebook
The guidebook provides information on suggested actions and shelter information in the event of a disaster.
※ Please see the attachment (PDF: 12,555KB) for details on the Multilingual Disaster Awareness Guidebook.
(Available in Yasashii Nihongo (‘Simple Japanese’), English, Chinese and Korean)
Oita Disaster Prevention Information Portal
Information is available in the following topics:
Weather Advisories & Warnings / Landslides / Earthquakes / Tsunami / Volcanic Activities / Evacuation Information / Operation of the Disaster Prevention Headquarters
※ Upon selecting your preferred language, machine translation is available in Indonesians, Thai, Tagalog, Nepali, Vietnamese, English, Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
Past trainings
令和3年度 災害時外国人支援セミナーを開催しました
2020年7月31日(金), 8月1日(土)「災害時外国人支援セミナー」を開催しました。